Friday, February 23, 2007

Polymer research and test house adds on 3D systems

Europe's leading polymer research and test house, has invested in software and three new work stations to ensure the company's leadership in plastics product design and testing.

Rapra Technology, Europe's leading polymer research and test house, has recently invested in new software and three new work stations, as well as additional consultant resources, in order to ensure the company's continuing leadership in the business of plastics product design and testing. Rapra now offers 3D design analysis and services through the IDEAS 3D design, through to SigmaSoft true 3D flow analysis and MSC Patran and Marc, together with finite element analysis (FEA). 'All of these are fine products and services on their own,' says Andi Clements,' business development manager for the technology, 'but taken together by the user, they are far greater than the sum of their parts.

We are even working with the software suppliers for complementary support using the other software that we have, but adding our own specialist materials knowledge'.

Leading OEMs are all numbered in the range of Rapra clients that are increasingly using the CAD services to establish fault free, long-term plastics product design and launch, as well as improving those elements of design and production that are already underway.

Over œ100,000 of consultancy business has already been sold in relation to the new CAD resources.

These Rapra services are also in demand from designers and suppliers of plastics materials; anxious to ensure that their materials perform as stated from the time they are moulded throughout their service life.

The demands and expectations of plastics materials and components are also becoming increasingly stringent - from Tier 1 and 2 suppliers to all industries where product and component performance is an essential part of business.

Clements says of the new technology that, 'exporting the fibre orientation or residual stress pattern from true 3D flow into FEA means that we can run realistic loading on a realistic moulded part.

Running FEA on an already pre-stressed part also gives a much more realistic description of what the part will experience in reality.

Effectively this gives us the ability to inform our customers on how to make really informed value-engineering decisions using real data.' Rapra Technology Chief Executive Andrew Ward notes that recent business expansions have been greatly enabled by the new structure of the company.

'At the time of the Management Buy Out in July 2002 we promised investment in the fundamentals.

We are delighted to be delivering on that promise now.' Ward adds that 'Rapra's research, technical and analytic strengths underpin all that we do.

Helping companies to address their product design and development issues is one of our key stated business growth areas.

Benchmarks to be set for plastics manufacture

The plastics compounding group at the British Plastics Federation is undertaking industrial analytical work by creating a number of benchmarks for its manufacturing performance.

The plastics compounding group at the British Plastics Federation is undertaking some leading-edge industrial analytical work by creating a number of benchmarks for its manufacturing performance. Five leading companies from the sector are taking part in the current exercise which is being led and facilitated by PICME, the Process Industries Centre for Manufacturing Excellence. The five UK compounders from the BPF compounders group taking part are Albis, Distrupol, Hellyar, Asahi and JPG Perrite.

A structured approach to industrial benchmarking will be offered in a group setting in order that the companies can learn form each other's experiences and methods.

The PICME benchmarking suite of tools - especially developed for the process industries - will be used.

Each company will initially collect data on their business and operations metrics.

The data will then be processed and feedback to each participant individually and supported by a written report and on site visit.

As part of the exercise a group report will be generated which will show the performance of the group on key operational and business metrics.

This will also be presented to participating firms.

The first batch of company feedback is expected in the next 6-8 weeks.

PICME is no stranger to plastics compounding, having undertaken manufacturing assessments, benchmarking and masterclasses at a number of important UK sites, including names such as Doeflex, Vita and Stakehill.

For the past two years PICME has also sponsored the compounding section of the Plastics Industry Awards.

PICME consultant Steve Williamson notes that group benchmarking can be a difficult process - but the eventual gains for the industry can be enormous.

'The benefits of collaborating in this way come out in the opportunities to learn about best performance and practice - even from other related sectors,' says Williamson.

Good customer service or safety practices, for example, are often readily transferable from other sectors.

Adaptation skills, however, are often needed, and this is where the PICME/BPF sponsoring forum can make all the difference and provide invaluable assistance.' Peter Davis, Director General of the British Plastics Federation is delighted that the compounding sector of the plastics industry is engaged with this element of PICME's work.

He encourages others - especially in plastics processing, and in injection moulding - to do more in terms of their manufacturing improvement and world-class competitiveness.

'We have long been a supporter of PICME and its manufacturing mission and are pleased to be using the organisation's skills in this way.

My hope is that more and more UK plastics processing companies will raise their manufacturing performance through use of PICME's services, tools and techniques,' he adds.

In addition to plastics compounding PICME has also recently facilitated group benchmarking exercises for the batch chemicals, aerosols, and coatings sectors and is also about to start work with the BPF's pipes group in a similar fashion.

Compact dehumidifying dryers have molecular sieves

Compact dehumidifying dryers with molecular sieves can be installed on the machine or on trolleys and free up much more floor space for the plastics processor.

Sandretto UK has launched a new range of compact dehumidifying dryers, manufactured by Dal Maschio in Italy. The new range is immediately available to UK customers. 'The new designs free up much more floor space for the plastics processor,' comments Chris Whitlam of Sandretto UK.

'The equipment is made in stainless steel and a good deal of attention has been paid to making sure that the design aesthetics lead the field.' The Sandretto UK dehumidifier drying systems with molecular sieves represent the most advanced solution in the continuous cycle dehumidification of all hydroscopic material.

Only a very low percentage of moisture is left before the polymer processing takes place.

The series is comprised of models which can be installed on the machine or on trolleys, realising real dehumidifying plants with one or more hoppers.

The different produced models have an air capacity from 30 to 600m3/h.

Meanwhile Sandretto UK's hot air dryers have been designed for the treatment of non hygroscopic thermoplastic granules.

The temperature is electronically controlled.

Particular technical and structural features guarantee quality production processes and make for large amounts of energy conservation.

The range is composed of various models with air capacity from 30 to 250m3/h and the dryers can be installed on the machine, beside the machine and in sets for centralised installations.

Smallest capacity dryer processes polymers

Compressed air dryer - the smallest in a range - typically processes polymers at a rate of 1-3 kilos an hour and has capacity of a throughput at up to 10 kilos an hour.

Vienna based Wittmann has introduced the compressed air dryer, the DryMax 15, to its award-winning range of materials dryers. UK sales have already been achieved for Wittmann's newest and smallest capacity dryer, which typically processes polymers at a rate of 1-3 kilos an hour and has capacity of a throughput at up to 10 kilos an hour. Wittmann UK's most recent sale of the DryMax 15 in the UK has been to an insert-moulder producing very small parts at near micro moulded tolerances.

The rate of material per hour needed was 1.4 kilos - ideally suited to the DryMax 15 which is fixed to the customer's injection moulding machine.

'Very often,' says Ed Holmes of Wittmann UK, 'most dryers are overly big for the purpose required.

This customer wanted a more appropriate capacity and the DryMax 15 was the ideal solution.' The Drymax 15 and its elder brother the DryMax 30 are designed for use on moulding machines of between 25 and 150 tonne locking force.

Meanwhile lighting specialist Fotolec has recently invested in a new materials drying and handling systems supplied by Wittmann UK.

The award-winning Wittmann Compact 100 polymer drying unit was chosen to make sure that the Fotolec polymers reach the coating process in optimum condition.

The new Wittmann dryer is playing its part in the production cycle by drying the stored polymer to the optimum temperatures.

Even a small amount of moisture can jeopardise the processing conditions, and these need to be within strict tolerances for successful manufacture.

The Wittmann Compact 100 is consequently fitted with valve technology that will prevent over drying - and overpaying for energy used.

After drying the resins are then delivered to the Fotolec production line via Wittmann's S18 single phase hopper loader.

Wittmann UK made sure to optimise Fotolec's processing by trialing its materials on a standard machine off-site - and then, once satisfied, supplying the company with the Compact 100 for full production.

Pre-processed polyethylene gives better properties

Pre-processed polyethylene resins provide improved properties - including superior mechanical properties, reusability and recyclabilitiy without using chemical cross linking agents.

Ion Beam Applications, together with its subsidiary IBA Advanced Applications, has introduced a new family of pre-processed polyethylene resins. Called Raprex, these new resins are formulated to provide improved physical properties without the use of chemical cross linking agents. They offer superior mechanical properties, enhanced design flexibility, reusability, recyclabilitiy and reduced cost.

According to Raprex product manager George Forczek, 'Prior to the introduction of these new resins, the preferred way to improve the physical properties of formed polymer products was to utilize chemicals which imparted a high degree of cross linking.

The problem with chemical cross linking, however, is that it ultimately limits the processability and recyclability of the resin in the conversion process.

In other words, parts in final form are not recyclable.' With Raprex resins, however, there is no need for chemical additives.

The cross linking affect is achieved prior to forming the finished parts through radiation processing of the base PE resin.

'Because the cross linking effect takes place primarily in the amorphous region of the polymer, the result is an inhomogeneous cross link distribution in the polymer,' explains Forczek.

'This results in parts that are higher in mechanical properties than their unmodified versions, plus they also are fully recyclable.' Pre-processing of the base PE resin is achieved through a controlled ionizing radiation process as well as other proprietary processes.

'It works equally well with high density, low density and linear low density polyethylene resins,' adds Forczek.

Raprex resins are available in three grades for a wide variety of applications.

Extrusion grade Raprex 100 is used for pipe, tubing, containers, and profiles; injection molding grade Raprex 200 is used for tote bins, pump housings, industrial clamps, and luggage handles; film grade Raprex 300 is used for steel pipe sleeves, greenhouse film, and timber pole sleeves.

Additional applications include bubble packaging and bag applications.

IBA Advanced Applications specializes in the application of radiation processing technologies to industrial products and materials for the purpose of improving product performance and reducing costs.

Its parent company, IBA (Ion Beam Applications), headquartered in Belgium, is an acknowledged world leader in three primary business segments: Technology Services and Equipment, Sterilization and Ionization Services, and Radioisotope Production and Distribution.

Natural flax fibre reinforces plastics car panels

Flax fibres are being re-discovered by French automotive manufacturers and used as fibre reinforcement for moulded interior plastics panels used in cars.

While textile flax produced in France is exported all over the world for the production of high-quality linen clothes and sheets, these natural fibres are now being re-discovered by French manufacturers and put to unexpected and exciting uses. Increasingly, flax is being used by automotive equipment manufacturers as a source of raw material that is environmentally friendly and less dangerous - in the event of a vehicle crashing - when used for interior panels in cars. Hemp fibres are also employed in industry to provide rigidity for plastics and in buildings as a natural insulator.

Near Yvetot, in Normandy (in North-Western France), newly-formed company Techni-Lin processes flax fibre into interior panels for car doors.

Automotive equipment manufacturers are very interested in natural fibres to make their cars environmentally friendlier and easier to recycle.

In Chemille, in the Maine-et-Loire region (in Western France), Effireal manufactures hemp wool from hemp fibres produced by farmers in the Aube region of Eastern France.

The fibres are prepared and cleaned by the Chanvriere de l'Aube co-operative company.

More and more home owners are looking for natural materials to insulate their properties and are starting to value and appreciate this new use for hemp.

Flax-polypropylene - a winning combination Textile flax is a plant widely cultivated in Northern France for the manufacture of yarn and textiles which are exported all over the world.

But not all the fibres in flax are of the same quality.

'We were looking for a new market, different from that of woven textiles or paper making, to exploit the lower quality fibre,' explains R‚mi Dubost, a farmer in Seine-Maritime and the president of flax-hackling co-operative Centrale Liniere Cauchoise.

(The word 'hackling' comes from 'hackle', referring here to the steel comb used for dressing flax.) 'We came up with the idea of introducing flax fibre into composites.' The heads of the co-operative from Yvetot had met by chance some automotive equipment manufacturers who quickly became interested in their approach, and this is how Techni-Lin came to life in 1995, in the form of a subsidiary set up by the co-operative.

'We took two years to develop our product fully,' explains Francois Asselin, manager at Techni-Lin.

'It is a composite material made from a mixture of 50% polypropylene [PP] fibre and 50% flax fibre.

The ratio of the mixture can also be 60%-40% or 70%-30%'.

This new material is manufactured in Techni-Lin's factory.

Flax units fitted in 2,000 vehicles a day - from 1996, demand gradually increased and, in July 2000, the company installed a new production line and its own thermo-pressing machine.

Today, it provides the interior door panels for the Opel Corsa and the Citroen C5 as well as the rear parcel shelf for the Renault Twingo.

In 2002, Techni-Lin processed no less than 800 metric tonnes of flax fibre and provided the interior door panels for an impressive total of 2,000 vehicles per day.

'Flax is appreciated because it is a very strong natural fibre, which prevents the panel from breaking in the event of an accident,' points out Fran‡ois Asselin.

'It also has the advantage of reducing the weight of the finished product by 20% while yielding cost benefits.' To enter this market, Techni-Lin had to meet the very rigid requirements of the automotive industry with regard to quality assurance.

Indeed, in a few months, the start-up became an approved supplier to the automotive industry (EAQF), was ISO 9002-certified, and also obtained AQP (Product Quality Assurance) quality certification.

For Francois Asselin, there is no doubt that the market can only grow.

'In Europe, there is a wealth of interest in composites made from natural fibres,' he says.

'Other industries are also interested in this type of product.

For example, a designer has just produced his first table from one of our composites.' Hemp - a natural insulator also used for making lightweight concrete Industrial hemp is also grown in France, but traditionally for the paper industry.

(It should be pointed out that industrial hemp, as distinct from Indian hemp, contains, according to French regulations, less than 0.2% THC, the psychotropic substance present in Indian hemp.) The search for more natural products in all sectors of activity was taken up by hemp producers and especially by the Chanvriere de l'Aube co-operative - a group of slightly more than 300 hemp farmers in Eastern France, who process the production from 6,000 hectares of hemp.

'We were looking for markets for our products and we investigated the possibility of manufacturing hemp-wool as an insulator for homes, as an alternative to glass-wool or rock-wool,' explains Yves B‚trencourt, the co-operative's sales manager.

'We met companies interested in this use of hemp, such as Effireal and Natilin (in Western France) and Buitex (near Lyons).

Trials quickly showed that hemp-wool exhibited the same insulating properties as glass-wool.

It even has the advantage, compared with glass-wool or rock-wool, of regulating interior humidity, which brings additional comfort in the home.' Hemp-wool does, however, have a disadvantage, in that it is quite expensive, at EUR 8 to EUR 15 per m2, or 2.5 to 4 times as much as glass-wool.

'This product appeals to those who are concerned about the environment and who are committed to using natural products in the construction of their homes,' notes Pierre Barth‚lemy of Effireal.

'Many others are interested in the idea of using natural fibres but are reluctant to pay the extra.

For hemp-wool to be used by everyone, we would need a certain amount of assistance from the government, such as tax incentives, like those for solar energy.' Fibres from ChanvriŠre de l'Aube are also used for making insulating panels and lightweight concrete.

Indeed, the co-operative is in the process of developing breeze-blocks containing hemp, and intends to file for a patent shortly.

'Today, the building sector makes up 15% of our market, but I am sure that it will represent much more in the future,' predicts Yves B‚trencourt.

'The market is still in its infancy.' Hemp reinforces superior organic plastics Hemp, like flax, is also used in the interior trim for cars.

'In this market, natural fibres have great appeal for manufacturers since they weigh only half as much as glass fibre, for which they are a substitute, and are half its price,' says the spokesperson for ChanvriŠre de l'Aube.

Similarly, the co-operative has recently turned its attention to rigid plastics.

To enter this market, it formed, with Eurochanvre (a subsidiary of cereal growers' co-operative Interval, in the Haute-Saone region), a company called Agro Fibres Technologies Plasturgie (or AFT Plasturgie).

'We are still at the research and development stage with it, but the first plastics reinforced with hemp fibre have already been tested and the first products should be available [commercially] shortly,' says AFT manager Gerard Mougin.

'The plastics manufacturing market is vast, and ranges from computer cases through to household electrical products, and includes plastic furnishings, vehicle dashboards, food crates, and moulded packaging - the possibilities are endless.' The big advantage of natural fibres, compared with glass fibre, lies in the fact that organic plastics are less abrasive, easier to mould and cut and, above all, easier to recycle than artificial (or conventional) plastics.

Fibres at work - in the Techni-Lin factory, the natural flax fibre, bleached or coloured, is mixed with polypropylene fibre.

The mixture is homogenised and stretched into a fine layer of non-woven fibres, and several dozen fibre layers interlocked by needles constitute the mat.

The mat is several millimetres thick and weighs, depending on the products, between 150 and 3000g/m2.

It is cut up and then usually sent in this form to the equipment manufacturers, who then thermo-press the finished product.

For certain models, Techni-Lin itself takes care of the compression stage of the process.

In its factory, ChanvriŠre de l'Aube separates the hemp fibres from the central stem of the plant and the seeds.

The fibres are sent to Effireal, for instance, which then takes over.

'We work the fibres to obtain a product to our requirements,' says Pierre Barthelemy at Effireal.

'We apply to them a fire-retardant treatment, then mix them with some polyester.

The fibre sheet is then heated in an oven, which causes the polyester to fuse and link the hemp fibres together.' Effireal markets the hemp-wool in the same way as glass-wool is sold, in rolls that are 10cm, 8cm, or 6cm thick.

Report underlines thermoplastic polymer innovation

In a market teeming with participants and products, thermoplastic polymer manufacturers have taken to product innovation in a big way to tap new markets and find fresh sources of revenue.

In a market teeming with participants and products, thermoplastic polymer manufacturers have taken to product innovation in a big way to tap new markets and find fresh sources of revenue. Innovative biodegradable polymers (BDPs) made of renewable raw materials and special grades of reinforced compounds are making their way into the manufacturing processes for environmentally-friendly electronic notebook housing and packaging of silicon chips, and enterprising BDP manufacturers are moving out of the confines of food packaging, agricultural film and other small-scale applications to the electronics market. These innovations and market expansions are likely to see them grow at a double-digit growth rate to generate more than $525 million by 2009.

New grades of liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) are also finding uses in the electronics market such as for production of lens holders for optical pick up parts in CD-ROM and DVD drives, creating additional streams of revenue for the $249.3 million market.

Manufacturers of cyclic olefin copolymers (COC) are exploring fresh possibilities by developing improved impact- and heat-resistant products for light-guide plates in LCDs and automobile headlamp parts.

This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.8 per cent to finish at $59.8 million in 2009.

The $116-million polyketone (PK) market is set to witness a boom with 249 new applications being commercialised in six months by 31 March 2003 and another 1,380 projects in the pipeline.

Injection moulding is the new buzzword in the market, although film extrusion and blow moulding uses are not lagging far.

The electrical and electronics vertical has opened up exciting possibilities for PK in the manufacture of critical materials designed to transport and protect microchips and electronics.

There is also a surge in demand from energy-related applications and medical devices.

By establishing production units in new geographical markets - especially Asia - market participants are hoping to increase sales as well as capitalise on the lower labour costs.

Major multinational companies are seeking a presence in all three major world regions (Asia Pacific, North America and Europe) to expand their global marketing reach.

While established participants are making strong gains, entrants are being compelled to strike up licensing agreements with recognised suppliers to gain a toehold in these developing polymer markets.

This method is preferable to the costlier options of acquisition or development of a new business.

Brian Balmer, Industry Analyst from Frost and Sullivan, points out, 'Selecting the right company to partner with as an entrant is important to not only boost sales of products but also drive awareness.

It also helps to own an excellent and growing repertoire of versatile products.

Partnerships and alliances have helped relax the stranglehold of a few multinationals on the industry and made it easier for the smaller companies to compete.' Entry of more participants is likely to lead to greater price competition, stimulating further application development.

By constantly introducing new polymers or compounds/composite materials, the developing thermoplastic polymer market is set to thwart competition from traditional materials manufacturers.

Originality in product design and features and the superiority of performance are expected to help polymer companies distinguish themselves from competitors.

For instance, the COC market has developed disposable insulin pens that enable diabetics to deliver their own medication safely and quickly.

Such 'smart' devices not only raise the bar on innovations in drug delivery systems but are also vital product differentiating factors.

The numerous advantages of the innovative polymers over competing products notwithstanding, high costs are restricting mass uptake.

To make inroads into mass market applications, companies will have to slash prices considerably, especially since the costs of commodity plastics have fallen drastically.

'Various challenges including high costs and a crowded marketplace limit the wider acceptance of innovative polymers in large-scale applications,' notes Balmer.

'Producers are remedying the situation by continuously improving the property profile of their products, leading to greater market growth.' Title: Innovations in the Engineering Plastics Market Code: B256.