Laser welding was used by a toolmaker to repair a logo insert damaged by a wiper blade, an action that was quicker and far less costly than having the logo die insert remade.
Pro-Moulds (Midlands) is one of a select group of companies that can offer state-of-the-art CNC laser welding services. Based in Blidworth, Nottinghamshire, UK, Pro-Moulds has invested in laser welding technology to offer a cost effective alternative to companies who would normally need to remake damaged mould parts such as cores or die faces. Rob Skrzypkowski, Managing Director of Pro-Moulds said, 'We identified a need to offer our clients a repair service for their die faces and cores'.
'It can cost hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds to remake damaged mould components'.
'With this technology we can rebuild the damaged area, machine and polish the part to a finish that will allow an almost unaffected life span'.
'We have just finished a die face for Kostal where an ejector Blade had damaged the logo'.
'We laid down precision welds to rebuild the logo, machined and polished the surface back to perfection'.
'It cost Kostal far less that having the die insert remade and was completed in a fraction of the time ensuring production was not unduly affected.' CNC Laser Welding technology is advanced with only a handful of companies that can offer this service in the UK.
Applications go beyond dies and tool making with the technology being suitable for short to medium batch production of specialist components from industries such as F1 motor sport or aerospace.
Investment Tooling International also uses Pro-Moulds laser welding services.
Based in Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK, Investment Tooling is one of the UK's leading precision tool making companies, focusing on the automotive, food packaging, building and gas products, domestic appliance, leisure and telecommunications markets.
Investment Tooling offers a full precision tool making service which includes, component design, mould design, single and multi-tool prototype, through to production tool manufacture of up to eight tonnes.
Commenting on how the Pro-Moulds laser welding service helped them, John Dobinson, Works Manager of Investment Tooling International, said, 'Laser welding is very useful for making alterations to the die'.
'Sometimes there is a change in a number on a badge that is being moulded'.
'Rather than machine a completely new die form we can have the numbers welded and re-machined'.
'It is very accurate with no distortion to the surrounding areas'.
'The machining and polishing is very limited and it is a very cost effective solution.' Underlining the quality of laser welding and Pro-Mould's service, Richard Butler, Toolroom Manager of Kostal, a connector and automotive parts suppler based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, said, 'We use laser welding by Pro-Moulds as a standard source of supply'.
'The quality of their workmanship is very high and their 'can do, will do, you can have it tomorrow or sooner' approach to business has helped us many times'.
'Pro-Moulds laser welding is used for all our welding repairs'.
'And we have never been let down by their craftsmanship or service.' Plastek an American-owned plastics moulding company based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, has been regularly using laser welding services by Pro-Moulds.
Plastek are specialists in the design and building of injection moulds and the production of plastics components and has a client base that includes many household names in the food, health, beauty and pharmaceutical businesses.
Commenting on the Pro-Moulds laser welding service Paul Hill, Toolroom supervisor, said, 'We use laser welding for repairing dies'.
'Typically it is the edges and cores that wear'.
'We have very tight tolerances to work to'.
'The products we produce for the food industry cannot have any flash on them so wear has, in the past, been a problem, with parts needing to be remade'.
'Using the Pro-Mould laser welding technology we can weld, machine and polish the surface without there being any visible indication afterwards'.
'This was not possible with traditional welding'.
'We run at six to ten second cycles'.
'This level of operation means the die and cores become very hot and require rapid cooling'.
'To help the cooling of the cores, we make them from mould max, a copper based material'.
'Up until we had access to laser welding technology we had to remake the part, which was very costly.'