Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thin Turret Punch Press Tooling Revolutionised

Users of thin-style punch press turret tooling can now considerably reduce the time taken for resetting and machine changeovers.

Users of thin-style punch press turret tooling can nowconsiderably reduce the time taken for resetting and machinechangeovers following the development by Wilson ToolInternational of a self-contained, fast adjustment, toolingsystem.

The new Quick Adjust (trademark) system enables the userto gain a significant increase in the number of regrindsavailable from the tool and provides a quick and simple method toadjust the punch without having to use any additional hand tools.Now available from the Swindon-based European headquarters ofWilson Tool, Quick Adjust provides the opportunity for thinturret punch press users such as Strippit to increaseproductivity, reduce tool stocks and maximise machine uptime.With a full 6.35 mm of adjustment, through a simple pull-out andtwist motion to cater for regrinding, Wilson Tool has alsoeliminated any need for traditional shimming or preloading anddispenses with the need to use hand tools and fiddly setscrews.