Mould cooling time optimised automatically
Kistler has developed a completely new technique based on the mould cavity pressure and the surface temperature of the moulded product which can automatically determine the residual cooling time.
Experience shows that in 70 % of injection moulding processes,the cycle time is 20 % longer than necessary reducingproductivity of the entire process. In co-operation with theUniversity of Applied Sciences in South Westphalia, Germany,Kistler has developed a completely new technique based on themould cavity pressure and the surface temperature of the mouldedproduct. The new system can automatically determine the residualcooling time making the empirical setting of theinjection-moulding machine or the use of a cooling time formulaunnecessary.
The new system is an option for self-optimisingdemoulding systems using the smart Type 5155A charge amplifiersand can be fully integrated into the injection-moulding machine.In addition to the automatic cycle time calculation during mouldsampling and optimisation processes, the system will control theresidual cooling time during the active production process.
Thisensures optimum part geometry irrespective of processfluctuations and keeps the cycle time to the minimum necessary.
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