Wednesday, August 30, 2006

One tool makes different parts

Tooling for plastic components normally represents a high percentage of the parts costs. However, a novel key design allows different parts to be made independently within the same tool.

Tooling for plastic components normally represents a high percentage of the parts costs. However, using a novel key design to allow different parts to be made independently within the same tool, Toolcraft Plastics are able to offer substantial economies. The key not only enables different parts to be moulded, but by careful design, parts can also be made independently using differing materials.

The multi-part tool costs less than two individual tools and also enables a quick change-over in production, saving time and hence costs.

In parts for a small instrument case, the mounting piece, which also provides thermal insulation, is made in white ABS, whereas the lens, available in different colours, is moulded in Polycarbonate, yet both were made from the same tool.